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Why Every Clothing Store Needs Mannequins

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 1/1/2022 to Articles
Why Every Clothing Store Needs Mannequins
When you have a business in retail, one of the most important things you have to do is make sure that you have various items on display. Mannequins are one of the most commonly used displays in many stores, but they are most common in retail stores that sell clothing items. Joslin’s Displays has a wide variety of clothing displays, including mannequins. Still not decided? Here are some of the reasons why mannequins play such a significant role in the retail industry. 

The role of the mannequin

 Besides displaying items for sale at your store, mannequins also play the role of a silent salesperson. Mannequins attract customers to your store while attracting revenue to your business. Depending on your display, it can make people want to see more, explore more, and ultimately make the purchase. 

How do mannequins add to revenue?

Whether you know it or not, mannequins that are placed in your store have the potential to increase your sales up to 35 percent. By creating a visual interest, your customers get a three-dimensional preview of how the items look in the real world. In addition, these displays also provide easy opportunities to upsell. Mannequins make it easy for your customers to see entire outfits put together and accessorized, rather than just individual pieces displayed separately on shelves. 

Customized to your brand

Mannequins come in all shapes and sizes, making it easy to seamlessly fit into your brand’s style. Several variations to accomplish this task include female, male, child and adult, skinny and plus-sized. In addition, there are elements like heads, just legs, just torsos, hands, and feet, providing everything you may need to display your most prized items for sale. 

Setting up shop with Joslin’s Displays

Joslin’s Displays has been supplying realistic mannequins and high-quality displays since 1893. Today, we continue to keep our tradition of helping those in the retail business bring their stores to life with their creative displays. 

To see more that we have to offer you and your business, please give our experts a call at (978) 284-6660.