The topic of diversity has steadily risen within the retail industry. A critical aspect of this discussion is the topic of mannequin displays. Here’s a look at the importance of diversity with mannequins.
According to one study, the importance of mannequins has grown in the retail industry, with a projected growth rate of 2.8% by 2027. This growth may be because mannequins provide a visual clue for customers showcasing fashion styles. However, more importantly than this is the focus on each mannequin. Customers see themselves reflected in these mannequins, and they may be more apt to shop within a particular store if the mannequin looks like them. But why is this? Here’s a look at the history and the hopeful future of the mannequin in retail.
Mannequins In History
Throughout history, mannequins have been used as life-sized models for seamstresses and dressmakers, with the earliest use of the mannequin dating back to Egypt,1350 B.C. The first discovery of a mannequin was made by Howard Carter in 1923, who found King Tut’s tomb. This armless and legless mannequin was essentially an exact wooden copy of King Tut - its torso matched the pharaoh’s measurements exactly.
Did you know? Mannequins were so popular throughout history that they were even used as part of peace negotiations during times of war! An example of this is when Charles IV of Spain sent a life-sized doll in the style of the French court to the Queen of England.
Mannequins and Fashion
At one time, mannequins were simply a way to display the newest and latest fashion trends. However the call for inclusivity within the industry is changing things. Today, mannequins of all shapes, sizes, and colors are being displayed, and for a good reason! Thanks to social media, many retailers are starting to realize that the importance of inclusivity and diversity within retail doesn’t stop with the clothing or the employees behind the counter.
Customers shop with their eyes, and if their image is not reflected in the store displays, they are less likely to enter the store. That’s where mannequins come in! Creating a retail space with mannequins that reflect all customers of every size and race will effectively show the trends and how those trends can be suited to every individual, regardless of style!
Mannequins At Joslin Displays
Setting the tone for each season doesn’t just mean re-dressing or re-branding your retail space. Taking the customer into consideration is always important, and for that reason, consider working with mannequins that reflect this!