Did you know that you can rent mannequins from Joslin Displays? We want our customers to have all the options they need to build displays that attract customers and show off their best merchandise. For stores that sell clothing, mannequins are an essential part of their displays and sales strategy. With mannequin rentals, store owners have more options to craft displays that let their customers see how to best style their clothes and imagine themselves in great new outfits.
Here are three ways mannequin rentals help clothing stores get the most out of their retail displays.
Seasonal Flexibility
The number of mannequins you need set up in your store changes depending on the season. For example, if you have a new line you want your customers to see, you’ll need more mannequins to showcase the new pieces and give your customers styling ideas. Towards the end of a season, however, you may be trying to shift old stock with sales and markdowns, so you’ll want to use that space for shelving and racks to get as many items on the floor as possible. By renting mannequins, you can have more when you need them, but you don’t need to worry about storing them when you don’t.
Test New Ideas
The key to convincing customers to return to your store is to continually offer them something new. Sometimes, offering your customers something new actually means showing them something they’ve seen before in a new way. If you want to try a new idea for displaying your clothes that includes more mannequins than you have, renting some more is a great way to test your new ideas without investing in new mannequins first.
Clean and Well-Maintained
We’ve all seen store displays with dirty or broken mannequins. These displays don’t attract customers, and you don’t want them in your store. When you rent mannequins, you’re not responsible for cleaning and maintaining them. Because you only rent them for a short period of time, you will likely send them back before they wear out and fall apart. If the mannequins are damaged before you return them, your rental agreement will account for repair and maintenance or replacement costs.