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What Should You Put in a Showcase?

Posted by on 9/25/2018

Designing a showcase for your retail space can sometimes be stressful. Do you try and cram as much merchandise in as possible? Or do you pick a few pieces? What about the theme? Here at Joslin Displays, we’re here to help you choose the best tools, ideas, and merchandise for the job.

Stay Relevant With Your Retail Displays

Posted by on 9/18/2018

Here at Joslin Displays, we more than understand the importance of staying relevant in the retail space. It’s too easy to be thrown to the wayside for a trendier option. One way to make sure you’re always on top of things is to keep your displays relevant and in season. Especially in New England, it’s easy to tell when things are outdated. Visit Joslin Displays to get all the shelving, hooks, and mannequins you need for your retail displays.

Unique Store Fixtures to Change Your Shopping Experience

Posted by on 9/11/2018

Deciding how you want to display your merchandise may seem like a mundane decision, but it can heavily impact your customer’s shopping experience. Before you choose, consider the experience and feeling you want to convey to your shoppers. Do you want customers to peruse the racks and spend lots of time in your store? Or would you rather have them come in, make their choice, and leave? The culture and atmosphere you want to create starts with your store fixtures.

When Do You Need a Mannequin Rental?

Posted by on 9/4/2018

Mannequins are an excellent way to display your merchandise. It allows your customers to imagine how the items would look on them, and it’s easy to showcase multiple items in one display. They’re great for all types of clothing - from jackets to pajamas, from hats to jewelry and shoes. But what if you don’t need them all the time? They would take up a lot of space in storage. But, you’re in luck! Here at Joslin Displays, we offer a mannequin rental program, so you’re more than welcome to borrow some of ours whenever you need.

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