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What to Avoid Presenting in a Display

Posted by on 7/28/2016 to General

Making the most of your display is key. Without a proper display, you will not be able to display the best your store has to offer in a tasteful manner. Whether you prop up clothing or have plenty of shoe displays, keeping it looking good is key. 

What to Include in a Seasonal Store Display

Posted by on 7/25/2016 to General

When you are putting on a display for your store, especially if it is seasonal, you need to know what to fill it with to make the most of it. Some items simply do not belong on your shoe displays or tables, and it is best to know what to avoid.

Picking the Right Outfit for Your Mannequin

Posted by on 7/22/2016 to General
Decorating a male or female mannequin with the right apparel will have benefits, and allow your mannequin to look its best. Below, observe how you can make the most of your mannequin’s outfit choices. 

Enhancing Your Shoe Display

Posted by on 7/21/2016 to General

 When displaying your products, you want to be sure that the items are looking their greatest. Follow the tips below to make them pop, and your future shoe displays will be their best! 

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