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5 Tips for Effectively Dressing Mannequins to Increase Sales

Posted by Administrator on 7/15/2015
5 Tips for Effectively Dressing Mannequins to Increase Sales
Visual merchandising plays a pivotal role in the retail market because, by nature, people are very visual creatures. As shoppers, we’ve all experienced the thrill of checking out merchandise that is well displayed on mannequins without even being aware of it. We’re naturally inclined to look at merchandise that is displayed in the more realistic form that mannequins provide. And, as retail store owners will attest to, merchandise moves far more quickly and usually at a higher price when it is attractively displayed using mannequins.

5 Ways Shoe Displays Can Increase Sales

Posted by Administrator on 7/7/2015
A successful retail business depends on a wide range of characteristics. You’ve got to be well-stocked, provide exceptional customer service, have a courteous and knowledgeable staff, design an attractive showroom and have the ability to make shopping an easy and even a fun experience. These qualities remain true for all retail purposes, especially when selling shoes. Having the right shoe displays and shoe accessories can make all the difference in the world when you’re trying to increase sales and, luckily, Joslin Displays has everything you need.
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