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Attract a Lucrative Market with Attractive Shoe Displays Today!

Posted by Administrator on 5/15/2015
People really want to get out of the house; especially this season. It’s simply too beautiful outside to hang around indoors. Now is the time of year for new beginnings as well, so a lot of people turn their attention to shopping. After months of shopping for other people, it’s time for all of us to treat ourselves to a few spur of the moment gifts. And who doesn’t like buying new shoes? This is the time of year to rethink your shoe displays in order to attract a new wave of shoe shoppers.

Essential Tips for Dressing Mannequins

Posted by Administrator on 5/14/2015
So the weather’s warming up, the sun is shining and the days are getting longer – this means people will be shopping in droves. For retailers, this means that it is time to rethink how to display their merchandise. And, at Joslin Displays, we have all the essential mannequins any retail store owner could need to see their profits soar this season! But we don’t just supply mannequins here. No, we’ve been in this business for over a century now so have come to learn a thing or two about how to use mannequins in a way that will guarantee an uptick in retail sales.
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