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How to Use Mannequins for Summer Displays

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 4/24/2020 to Articles
How to Use Mannequins for Summer Displays
Summer is almost here which means it's time for retail stores to start planning their displays! Here's a few tips on creating a visually appealing display that is sure to increase your revenue.

Staying on the Front Lines of Fashion with Female Mannequins

Posted by Administrator on 4/10/2020 to Articles
Staying on the Front Lines of Fashion with Female Mannequins
The retail business is one that undergoes a great deal of rapid changes. Staying up to date with modern fashion trends and knowing which brands are, “in,” is something that every retail store owner has to be on top of. Not only do retail store owners have to know what kinds of merchandise are being sought after, but they also have to make sure that their own store reflects the ever changing environment of the fashion world. This means using retail store fixtures like female mannequins to keep your customers shopping and to remind them that your store is one that keeps up to date with the latest fashion trends.
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