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Dressmaker Forms

Posted by on 12/30/2015
Rising talent or already established, the need for dress maker forms is an undeniable need in the changing society of today. While many times clothing is bought right of the shelf and the need for individual dressmaker forms seems to have dwindled, the inspiration of making dresses and costumes again has gotten a rise once more.

Considering Which Mannequin You Need

Posted by on 12/16/2015

As life moves on in the fashion world it is extremely important that you convey to your consumers the right message. Your clothing is designed to be sold to the right individuals. In order to properly sell your clothing mannequins have been used for generations to show the styles of the time. 

Common Mannequin Options

Posted by on 12/9/2015
Finding the right mannequin for your store can be an excruciating process. There are so many options and things to consider when choosing the right one that it can make anyone’s head spin. It is important to consider what your store is all about for starters. If you are a children’s store, you would not ever consider getting adult sized mannequins, that is obvious. 

Commercial Grade Trumps All Competitors

Posted by on 12/2/2015
When you’re out on the weekend at your favorite department store and find useful store fixtures you want to incorporate in your own home, there’s a reason you can never find the same quality items online or in other stores. 
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