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Joslin Displays: All the Mannequins You Could Need!

Posted by Administrator on 12/23/2014
As you are well aware, now is the time of the year when shoppers simply flock to retail stores by the hundreds to get their hands on holiday presents for their friends, family, and (maybe a few things) for themselves. This is why having an attention-grabbing showroom is especially important to any retail store owner looking to take advantage of this heavy shopping season. And mannequins are essential tools for livening up any store’s showroom in ways that consumers simply can’t ignore.

All the Shoe Displays and Shoe Accessories You Need!

Posted by Administrator on 12/22/2014
As any seasoned retail store owner will tell you, shoes are highly sought after products all year long. Especially during the holiday season and when winding up for the New Year, having the right shoe displays can greatly affect a retail store’s sales numbers. Shoes make great gifts and many people that receive gift cards as holiday presents use them to purchase shoes. In fact, 2.4 billion pairs of shoes are sold each year in the U.S. alone. So it’s safe to say that there’s a substantial market out there full of potential customers to attract.
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