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When Do You Need a Mannequin Rental?

Posted by on 9/4/2018

Mannequins are an excellent way to display your merchandise. It allows your customers to imagine how the items would look on them, and it’s easy to showcase multiple items in one display. They’re great for all types of clothing - from jackets to pajamas, from hats to jewelry and shoes. But what if you don’t need them all the time? They would take up a lot of space in storage. But, you’re in luck! Here at Joslin Displays, we offer a mannequin rental program, so you’re more than welcome to borrow some of ours whenever you need.


Renting mannequins is ideal for organizations that don’t always need to have items on display. An online-only store, for example, may only need to showcase their pieces in an organized way if they are traveling to a trade show or taking pictures to post on their website. In this case, it would be cost effective only to rent and then return them when you’re done. That way, they’re not taking up space in your inventory warehouse.


Further, you may find yourself brainstorming ideas for new retail displays and find yourself envisioning more models than you have on hand. Mannequin rental is perfect for temporary exhibits that are bigger than you traditionally have. You can rent for days, weeks, and even months, so you never have to worry about fees! Just return them when you’re finished. 


In addition to trade shows and unique displays, when else would you need a mannequin temporarily? Conferences, pop up shops, photo shoots, charity or fashion shows all come to mind. No matter how many you need or the variety of model, we have what you need to pull off the event without a hitch. For more information about our mannequin rental program, visit our website here.