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Valentine’s Day is the Perfect Time To Use Female Mannequins

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 2/1/2021 to Articles
Valentine’s Day is the Perfect Time To Use Female Mannequins

With Valentine’s Day upon us, retail stores are making every effort to display a wide variety of feminine merchandise. Let’s face it; guys typically need all the help they can get when it comes to shopping for the special someone in their lives. The best way to display women’s attire and accessories is by using female mannequins. By cleverly using female mannequins, retail store owners can display a surprisingly high amount of products. From clothes to jewelry, hats to scarves, watches, and shoes, the possibilities are endless. 


Clothing Displays

With the use of mannequins, shoppers are empowered with a realistic idea of how that merchandise will look on the human body. This image becomes even more helpful when shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts. When stores haphazardly display their merchandise throughout their store, shoppers are at a disadvantage.  It can be hard to visualize how well an outfit will look on a real human body when folded away on a shelf. However, if your store utilizes mannequins, your shoppers will have the advantage.  By enabling shoppers with a visual, they’ll be more likely to make the purchase. 



Accessories can look like piles of junk if not displayed with care.  Often, these articles are small – belts, earrings, scarves, clutches, etc.  Thus, your display can become cluttered quickly if you’re relying on shelves.  However, with the use of the female mannequin, you’ll have an excellent source to display multiple accessories at once without the worry of clutter.


t Joslin Displays, we’ve been providing retail stores mannequins for centuries. With extensive hands-on industry experience, we’ve seen dramatic changes in fashion, yet mannequins have remained a staple throughout. However, we’re not implying that the male and female mannequins have remained static. Mannequins are being designed to mirror body images of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicity.  This constant evolution makes the shopping experience more beneficial to both the consumer and retailer. With realistic displays, shoppers are purchasing more for that special someone on Valentine’s Day. 

For more information on how Joslin’s Displays can help enhance your retail experience, contact our team today at (800) 325-1030.

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