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Unique Store Fixtures to Change Your Shopping Experience

Posted by on 9/11/2018

Deciding how you want to display your merchandise may seem like a mundane decision, but it can heavily impact your customer’s shopping experience. Before you choose, consider the experience and feeling you want to convey to your shoppers. Do you want customers to peruse the racks and spend lots of time in your store? Or would you rather have them come in, make their choice, and leave? The culture and atmosphere you want to create starts with your store fixtures.



Choosing the layout of your store fixtures has a lot to do with the questions we posed above. If you’re trying to create a relaxed environment, you probably have a lot of soft lighting, welcoming paint colors and home-y accessories. But where does your clothing go? We suggest slatwall. This gets your product off the floor and along walls instead. This creates more space for customers to relax and hang out to make their decision. This is ideal for clothing stores. Mixing shelving with racks and mannequins creates a perfect environment for you to display your product.



Choosing convenience over organization can help you make items easier to find for your customers. Having rows of neatly placed items allows your customers to make it in and out of your store without difficulty and quickly. It’s perfect for things like grocery stores or smaller pieces. When you implement this method in clothing stores, you may end up with messy aisles with products all over the place when customers try to find the size they’re looking for.


Whether you’re designing a layout for an expensive clothing store or a convenience store, you need to consider how you want your customers to experience the space. It’s important to prioritize your organization and shelving efforts based on what type of consumer you’re serving. For more information about which store fixtures are right for you, give us a call at 800-325-1030.