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Tips for Your Beach Themed Display

Posted by on 6/22/2016

When it comes to being able to create the perfect display for your store, everything matters. From the pieces you choose to display, to the mannequins you use to even the decorations that you decide to pair with the outfits. Especially with summer coming up, more and more individuals are looking for fun displays that get their excitement for the beach ready. While you may think that just showing your product is enough, you need to pull the customer in. Here are a few easy tips for creating the perfect beach themed display for all of your needs.

Vision. Okay, so planning for a theme doesn’t need to be complicated. However, you need to get to the drawing board and figure out what you are going to do with you theme. If you are a store that is geared towards juniors you want to make it more fun and flirty, while if you are a department store who caters to everyone, you will want to make it more family friendly. For example, you could decide to have a beach picnic theme for both marketing deals, but for the juniors you would focus on the cute bikinis in season and playing volleyball on the beach while with the family you will have the whole family and blanket down and a cooler with a beach ball and umbrellas oriented more on sandcastles. There are many ways to decide how you will present your idea, but you need to be able to draw it out.

Product. Choose what you are going to highlight in your display. Do you want to highlight bathing suits only or do you want to highlight shirts, shorts and cover up dresses too? This can be arranged by creating multiple mannequins to highlight the different items without changing the display too much. You will also need to think about what will go with the product you want to highlight when it comes to décor around the mannequins. If you are highlighting your swim suits, you may not want to have loafers and sports things in the windows but rather a beach volleyball net and beach balls.

Mannequins. This is the final piece of the puzzle for your summer display. Which mannequins are you more apt to need for your display? Female form mannequins are able to accent how the piece would look on different body forms. You can have a few different mannequin sizes (busty, heavy, muscular) to highlight how the piece might fit in reality. Then you can decide if you want to go minimal, with just the torso or if you do want to make a complete scene with a full body mannequin. This is the final step so you can play around with how each mannequin looks with the product and which one will actually present the swimwear best.

Creating the perfect fun and upbeat summer display can be easy once you determine you needs. As you work through the creative process you can decide what you need to highlight for the season. There is no reason to overthink the perfect swimsuit mannequin display, so long as you bring the fun of the beach home, just leave the sand.