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The Importance of Shoe Displays

Posted by on 8/9/2017 to General

You know what sells everything else in your store. The one thing that you can't seem to get those sales on is your shoe selection. It is important to remember that just like with clothing, certain things need to be displayed correctly to catch a customer’s eye. Shoe displays are the best way to present any shoe to capture a client's attention and hopefully keep it.

When you display shoes correctly, it can show the individual the way the shoe is supposed to look. Many times, with lady’s shoes especially, they are strappy and require a little additional prepping when it comes to making sure that your customer knows what they are buying. When we talk shoe displays, we are not just talking sitting them on a rack either. There are plenty of ways to get creative with your shoe display, allowing the individual to fully grasp a collection of shoes in a similar style or by a similar designer.

For example, if you have shoes that are ribbon designed, especially with the summer months coming, you may need an espadrille form acrylic insert for the shoe. By utilizing this piece of material, you can mimic how the product will look when properly laced up. It will serve two purposes in getting those shoes out the door and into the closets of your clientele. First, it shows the pump off for what it is. It allows the customer to make an initial decision on if it is a shoe that they would want to bother trying on. The second way this will help any shoe display is that it will allow for the customer to figure out the proper way to lace the shoe. They can try it on and accurately see how the shoe will fit on her foot rather than walking away because they aren't sure. 

Another way to draw attention, especially if you want to try to raise sales of a particular shoe, would be with plexi risers. These risers will allow for the customer to see a shoe first before some of the other shoes. Many consumers focus on what is at eye level because most individuals walk with a straightforward gaze. The multi-leveled displays will allow for your customer's gaze to get caught by a piece rather than just walking by it. It adds dimension as well as attractiveness to the shoe itself.

With only two of the multiple pieces that we have in our arsenal,  Joslin Displays could change your shoe marketing game. While we know the importance of mannequins to sell clothing, shouldn't the same care be taken with shoes as well? Anything worn on the body really should get displayed in a way that will capture the customer's eye. That is why, at Joslin Displays, we work with you to find the perfect marketing helper to show off your product.

Visit Joslin Displays online at, give us a call at 1-(800)-325-1030, or visit our showroom and we can help you find just what you need for shoe displays.