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Occasions Foldable Hangers Come in Handy

Posted by on 3/16/2016

Foldable hangers are a staple for any traveling salesman or saleswoman, especially when showing a line of clothes to a potential vendor. These are easy to assemble, simple to store solutions for your not-so-average clothing rack needs, but the possibilities with this display equipment is endless! Joslin Displays sees the potential foldable hangers have for the home, and have added it to our Home Solutions website. We can think of a few times it comes in handy throughout the year, and think you should be aware of those benefits, too!

Extra closet storage. If you’re finding yourself low on storage in your closet and have yet to invest in Joslin Home Solutions closet options, a foldable hanger is a great accessory to invest in. Our hangers are durable, and will look great in the back of your existing closet or in the corner of your bedroom.

Packing for a trip. When you plan for your next big vacation and feel overwhelmed with the clothes thrown across your bed, a foldable hanger comes in handy for planning out your week of outfits. If you’re in need of some organizational help, this garment rack is a great solution.

Hosting a party. Instead of worrying about where your guests’ jackets will be hung, pulling out a foldable hanger can help elevate some of those concerns. Place your hanger whenever is most convenient for you, and avoid guests awkwardly going into your bedroom to scavenge through a pile of coats on your comforter.

When you’re thinking about sensible fixes for some of the storage problems in your home, consider buying durable store fixtures from the place where your favorite retailers buy them. Joslin’s Displays and Home Solutions have everything you need to make better use of your space at a fraction of the cost. Give us a call today at (800) 325-1030.