Mannequins have changed a great deal over the last few decades. From the first uniformed versions in France that were cast in wax to the widely universal mannequins of today, the changes are significant. In the beginning, conforming to the idealistic (and often unrealistic) body shape and size was the norm. However, in today’s world, standards have changed.
Modern Day Mannequins
If you’re responsible for retail displays, you’re probably aware that there are vast arrays of mannequins available. All of which can be highly effective selling tools for any retail shop. However, choosing a display that appeals to your target audience is critical in increasing your revenue. For example, the idealistic “Barbie” mannequin is less than ideal in a store catering to big and tall sizes. Having a selection of mannequins in all shapes, sizes, and colors will enable an appropriately set display. In turn, your store will capture the attention of more customers.
Furthermore, one of the newest advances in mannequin technology allows merchandisers the capability of posing mannequins. By doing so, you’re attracting customers through appropriate first appearances and enticing them through suggested gestures. For instance, a mannequin in an accessory store with posable arms allows you to position the arms in a way that highlights the newest seasonal designer bag.
Mannequins for Any Purpose
One of the most significant breakthroughs with mannequins was the elimination of Barbie and the introduction of plus-size mannequins. Allowing clothing and accessories to be seen more realistically eliminates the guessing game for customers that may otherwise overlook a particular outfit. The days of confinement to fit the “ideal” body shape, size, and color that traditional mannequins are designed for, are long gone. Instead, mannequins are designed today to mimic realistic body shape and sizes, so consumers have a better idea of what merchandise will look like on them or on someone they’re shopping for.
Although advancement in mannequin design comes from the need for different ethnicity representation. Some of the more modern mannequins here at Joslin Displays are available in a wide range of colors. From black matte, white matte, and, even chrome mannequins, we can help your display with a contemporary look, while still effectively displaying merchandise.
At Joslins, we also carry children mannequins to display the latest seasonal trends, back to school wear, and more. Simply peruse our website to see all the different types of mannequins we regularly stock in order to provide retail store owners with everything they need to get their merchandise moving!
If you’re interested in mannequins, contact us at 1-800-325-1030.