At one time women were thought to be the most fashion savvy of the sexes, however men have become a fierce competitor. With the ever changing fashion trends, men have proven themselves on the forefront of the fashion industry. And the best way to communicate to your customers that your store is on the front line of fashion is to effectively use a combination of both female and male mannequins.
With the correct use of a male mannequin, you can make an otherwise less than fashionable man stop in his tracks. By grabbing his attention in a desirable way, he’ll continue into your store to check out the latest seasonal fashions. A male mannequin, dressed in the latest fashions of the day, will prove to grab your customers’ attention and keep them shopping at your store repeatedly and for more time.
A mannequin’s ability to catch the eye of a shopper has been proven time and again. Men’s clothing that is displayed on a male mannequin versus a piled display, sells faster and, sometimes, for more money. With lifelike displays, shoppers better understand how the merchandise will look on them. People tend to define how they see themselves through the clothes that they wear. And, more often than not, your average shopper is likely to gravitate towards the latest fashion trends when they are displayed on a mannequin.
Furthermore, using mannequins in your window display gives you the ability to quickly update your merchandise with the changing seasons.
Catching Your Customer’s Attention
Placing male mannequins in prominent spots in windows or on your showroom floor will make men think more about how they want themselves to look according to the fashion trends of the day. A mannequin is the perfect medium to attractively display your merchandise in a way that attracts customers while associating your store with the trendiest fashions available. It has been proven that most people spend more time window shopping than they actually do inside a store. Thus, it’s essential to create and display attractive window displays in order to grab the attention of potential shoppers walking by.
In general, men are far less likely to shop, or try on merchandise, without a clear image of how clothes will look on them. By using a male mannequin, you’ll provide your customer a clear idea of how merchandise will look. In this fast paced world where immediate gratification is a must, retail store owners need to communicate to customers efficiently and effectively.
For more ideas on retail sales, be sure to check out our previous article on cross merchandising techniques.
If you’re interested in male mannequins, contact us toll-free at: 1-800-325-1030