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Liven Up Your Showroom with Gridwall Displays Today!

Posted by Administrator on 1/29/2015

Gridwall from Joslin DisplaysWhen it comes to selling merchandise, any seasoned retail store owner or showroom floor designer will tell you how important gridwall displays are. Usually made of metal, gridwall displays are generally used as the key structure for many showroom displays. Resembling a better looking chain link fence, gridwall displays are extremely versatile because of their ability to be used in a variety of creative and attractive ways.

Gridwall displays come in different sections that can be manipulated to optimize space or create a unique store display. They can be folded smaller, opened larger, or separated depending on how you’d like to design your showroom. Also, because of their contemporary, yet timeless look, they can be used to showcase a wide variety of different products without associating them with only one style or fashion trend. Yes, it’s true – gridwall displays will always be “the new black,” when it comes to style.

All the Necessities

Combined with a number of different accessories, gridwall displays can be used in an almost infinite number of ways to attractively display your merchandise. Baskets, shelves, sign holders, and more can be hung from gridwalls in any way a designer sees fit. You can highlight new products with a sign holder at the top of a gridwall display while elegantly showing off those products along the eye level of the display. Or, you can hang entire outfits on gridwall displays in order to show the versatility of your merchandise.

And, at Joslin Displays, we have everything a retail store owner could wish for when it comes to gridwall displays and accessories. We have all the necessities – hooks, bases, connectors, rails, hardware, lights, sign holders, hat holders, and more! With gridwall displays and accessories from Joslin Displays, you can bring serious attention to merchandise by hanging lights, signs, or brochures and creating a truly unique showroom display. When it comes time to liven up your showroom, shop with us for incredibly affordable, high quality gridwall displays and accessories!

If you’re interested in gridwall displays, contact us at: 1-800-325-1030