As you are well aware, now is the time of the year when shoppers simply flock to retail stores by the hundreds to get their hands on holiday presents for their friends, family, and (maybe a few things) for themselves. This is why having an attention-grabbing showroom is especially important to any retail store owner looking to take advantage of this heavy shopping season. And mannequins are essential tools for livening up any store’s showroom in ways that consumers simply can’t ignore.
By nature, people are very visual creatures. They tend to have stronger reactions to tangible, visual stimuli like mannequins that display clothes in realistic ways. As a retail store owner, we know that you’re aware of this fact and now it seems that many leading psychologists and marketing experts have the data to back it up.
Shoppers and Mannequins
People often say that they don’t know what they want until they see it. Well, this turns out to be a significant truth when it comes to shoppers. In an article entitled “The Psychology of Impulse Buying,” the author quotes Paco Underhill, author of the book, “Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping” as saying “Two-thirds of the shopping that goes on in malls is impulse buying…Actually two-thirds of the entire economy is impulse buying.”
So, if the majority of purchases are unplanned ones, this means that having attractive, eye-catching merchandise displays is extremely important to retail shop owners. And, at Joslin Displays, we have a wide variety of mannequins that can suit any occasion and work to attract any consumer. From traditional mannequins to plus size mannequins to posable mannequins to child mannequins and more, we have everything you could imagine so, to liven up your showroom this year, contact us today!
If you’re interested in mannequins, contact us at: 1-800-325-1030