Do you need more closet or storage space? Hiring a contractor or a company that specializes in remodeling is an option. But if you’re working on a budget or don’t want to spend too much money remodeling storage areas, consider the do it yourself approach with commercial quality closet Hardware from Joslin Home Solutions.

You can add storage to your basement, pantry, laundry room, or closets without hiring a contractor. Houses can become cluttered too easily,having areas to put up storage helps to keep things neat and tidy and where they belong. Setting up storage areas in areas to keep your things organized will help you find them easier and save yourself some time digging for things in the long run. Instead of holding off for a professional to do the job for you because you don’t have the funds for it at the moment, save money by doing it yourself.
Remodel your storage spaces yourself so you aren’t paying labor costs, which can get pricy. Figure out your budget and make notes on which materials you will need, the cost of these materials and other items you need, and the equipment you may need to complete the work. Do your research before committing to a plan so you have the best information to make your decision.
Buying the items that you need and installing them yourself can save you a good deal of money. You can purchase molded shelves or melamine shelves, grid wall panels, hang rails, even Handiwall, and organize your space the way you want to organize it. Building your own storage may take up some time and energy, but in the end you’ll save money and you’ll get to boast to your friends and family about how handy you are.
You don’t need to call a
company to set up costly renovations. You can save with Joslin Home Solutions. Visit
us at to look at our commercial quality products,
or give us a call at 800-325-1030 to learn more about our products.