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How Mannequins Can Help Your Holiday Display

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 11/22/2019 to Articles
How Mannequins Can Help Your Holiday Display

Beyond the apparent display of retail selections, mannequins are a key element in holiday displays for several other reasons.  Here at Joslin’s Displays, we’ve been serving the retail industry for decades with the highest quality display elements sure to entice any shopper.  

If you haven’t already invested in mannequins for your shop, here are a few reasons why you should consider purchasing one today:


Create a dynamic display

On their own, mannequins will display merchandise.  However, in today’s busy world, having random stationary display is not enough to grab the attention of frantic shoppers.  By creating a scene with one or more mannequins, you’ll increase your chances of someone looking by nearly twenty percent.

Although this may seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  Create a scene that is easy and realistic.  Such as a Christmas tree display with wrapped boxes and lights.  Perhaps you’re a boutique clothing store; a cocktail party may be more in line with your audience.  The possibilities are endless; just keep in mind who you are trying to draw into the store.


Showcase your merchandise

Within your display, you’ll want to choose a wide range of merchandise.  Mannequins are more than clothing displays; they’re jewelry, shoes, hats, and other accessories.  They can be seated or standing around furniture that you may sell, or utilizing props that are available for sale. Think of your mannequin as an employee, what can they do for you and your business? How can they create interest by appealing to potential customers?


Think outside the box this holiday season and put your display to work for you! Beyond the lights and the traditional scenes, utilize this time of year to showcase your business.  A thoughtful, well-designed display should increase sales and help to create a returning, loyal customer base.


With the holiday season fast approaching, shoppers are beginning to create their lists.  In fact, next Friday is traditionally one of the busiest shopping days of the year for retail stores.  Call Joslin’s Displays today to be sure you have the mannequins your holiday display needs for optimal sales.  Visit us online to view our wide variety or contact us for special requests and expedited shipping options.  Call toll free at (800) 325-1030.