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Holiday Mannequin Rentals for Performance Displays

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 12/6/2019 to Articles
Holiday Mannequin Rentals for Performance Displays

This time of year is host to an abundance of award-winning performances.  From The Nutcracker to Miracle on 34th Street, the possibilities are endless and tickets scarce.  However, if you’re lucky enough to find a pair of tickets in your hand, you know that you’ll be greeted with an experience before the show even begins.  One of the most significant forms of revenue for shows, beyond the ticket price, is the sale of merchandise.

If you’re managing one of these holiday performances, you know how imperative it is to grab the attention of the guests in hopes that they’ll make an additional purchase.  Figuring out how to do this within budget is the tricky part.  Yet, Joslin’s Displays is here to save the day! Since 1893 our family has been providing mannequin rentals to some of the biggest shows in Boston. 

Now you may be wondering how a mannequin rental can enhance your performance revenue, and we’re here to explain.  Below is a brief list of just a few benefits of considering this type of display during the holiday season.


Cost-effective display solution

Chances are, a holiday performance is just that.  Seasonal.  Thus, there’s no need to invest in mannequins and other temporary props that will cut into your budget before being stored away until the following year.  By renting a mannequin, you’ll have a cost-effective way to create the display of your dreams. Beyond the display, storing away show items will also be less of an expense since you’ll require less space.


Theme enhancement

Depending on the type of show, your display may utilize mannequins in several different ways.  For instance, The Christmas Carol may have a lobby display that depicts a particular scene for building enthusiasm of the incoming guests.  Or perhaps, The Nutcracker is selling costume replicas.  With mannequin rentals you’re enabled the ultimate display solution to line the hallways, enticing guests to visit the gift shop following the performance.  Even if sales are not available for your performance, a character costume window display is a perfect way to entice people on the street to inquire about the upcoming show.


 For more information on how mannequin rentals can increase in your holiday show revenue, contact the experts at Joslin Displays.  Our team is committed to providing total customer satisfaction every time guaranteed.  Call us today at (800) 325-1030 or inquire at [email protected].