In the retail industry, attractively displaying your merchandise is the most important part of the business. Effectively using retail store fixtures in your shop has been proven time and again to be one of the best ways to move your merchandise. And the most effective retail store fixture to display men’s merchandise is by using a male mannequin. Male mannequins have been used for centuries because of this fact alone. Their ability to communicate to customers how certain items of clothing will look on them is unparalleled by any other form of merchandise display.
In fact, the term “mannequin,” actually means “little man,” and has been used since the 1700s to attractively display garments around the world. And with the use of male mannequins comes a retail store owner’s ability to creatively use that mannequin in unique ways that will be eye catching to passer bys and window shoppers alike. It’s a common fact that men are far less likely to try on garments when shopping so using male mannequins to display your merchandise is the best way to give men an idea of how clothing will look on them.
Keeping it Interesting
It’s also important to keep your mannequin displays interesting by regularly changing their poses and putting them in areas of your store that act as focal points for shoppers on the go. If there is a prominent area of your store where you notice that your eye is naturally drawn to, this would be an ideal place for male mannequins to be set up.
You should also pose your male mannequins in ways that fit with the merchandise their displaying. For example, if you’re using a male mannequin to sell athletic clothing, put them in active poses. If it is business attire your using a male mannequin to display, pose them in a way that’s contemplative and have them interacting with other male mannequins in similar attire. Creatively using male mannequins will increase the amount of male shoppers your store receives and you’ll see your profits soar because of it.
If you’re interested in male mannequins, contact us at: 1-800-325-1030