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Considering Which Mannequin You Need

Posted by on 12/16/2015

As life moves on in the fashion world it is extremely important that you convey to your consumers the right message. Your clothing is designed to be sold to the right individuals. In order to properly sell your clothing mannequins have been used for generations to show the styles of the time. That is not to say that each mannequin that you use can properly convey your style right away, as there are so many styles to consider, but there is a mannequin for everything. When you work with mannequin displays there are a few things to remember so that you can get the best draw into your store.

Who are you selling to? Remember who your clientele is. If you are selling to a plus size audience, you would not want to display the clothes on a size 2 mannequin. Likewise, you need to remember who regulars your store. If you are a store that sells high end clothing, that will change the detail that you may want the mannequin to have. Also remember that various individuals will be drawn to something different. Think about the clientele you have and you want to attract before choosing the mannequin for your stores display.

What is the product? Keep in mind what you are trying to sell. If you want to sell a full outfit, shoes included, you need to be able to have a mannequin that you are able to put shoes onto. However, if you do not necessarily need shoes, you can consider a mannequin that has a foot insert or one that has shoes modeling into the mannequin. Also consider if you would need hair on the mannequin to complete a look. You need to see the whole product the way you believe it needs to be for those sales.

Do you need a full body mannequin? If you are only selling pants of a top, do you really need a whole body mannequin? Sometimes depending on the location of the mannequin you can easily get away with just the torso or the legs of the mannequin. Likewise, if you only want to highlight the shoes, you may not even need a mannequin at all. So, this is joint with considering the product. The product and how you want to display the product will dictate if you need a full body mannequin or not.

Where will the mannequins be? Is the mannequin going to be a part of a window display or is it going to be on the floor? Knowing where the mannequin is going to be will also help you decide how many mannequins you would need. If you are having the mannequins in the window display, you are able to have more based on the display that is required. If they are in the middle of the store however, less mannequins would be needed. The two locations will also help decide the poses and the detail in the particular mannequins you want to use.

Do you need a particular pose? It is important to know what pose you need so you can decide if you need posable or stiff mannequins. If you are selling sporting equipment for example, you may need to go with an adjustable mannequin versus if you were just displaying a prom dress where she did not need to be in a particular pose. 

When you are able to answer these questions you are ready to start looking at the variety of mannequins at Joslin Displays.  By knowing what you need out experts can help you narrow down the selection to something that will work for the feel of your store and for your clientele. Visit us at or call today at 1-800-325-1030.