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All the Retail Store Fixtures You Could Want

Posted by Kevin on 2/2/2014 to Articles
For over a century now, Joslin Displays has been in the retail store fixtures industry, so we know just how effective the proper use of store fixtures can be to your business. The layout of your store’s shopping area should be a welcoming environment that allows shoppers to easily peruse your merchandise without intrusive store displays or unattractive merchandise. And, at Joslin Displays, we have a huge amount of retail store fixtures that you can easily use to attractively display your merchandise in a way that will keep shoppers shopping and coming back again and again to do so. 

The best way to display women’s merchandise is through the use of our female mannequins. We have a great deal of female mannequins in stock; from realistic looking mannequins, to chrome mannequins, to African American mannequins, and much, much more. Rather than simply displaying your women’s merchandise folded up and out of the eye line of your average shopper, adorning a female mannequin with clothes, jewelry, hats, shoes, etc., will more easily catch the eye of a consumer. This will give them a better idea of what your merchandise will look like on them or on someone that they are shopping for. 

Catching Your Customer’s Eye 

The same idea rings true for our male mannequins and your men’s merchandise. We stock the same large amount of various male mannequins for all of your merchandise displaying needs. As highly visual creatures, humans are drawn to familiar images like mannequins. Anyone shopping for men’s merchandise is more likely to shop longer, return to the same place to shop, and to buy more when able to see men’s merchandise displayed attractively on a male mannequin. 

More retail store fixtures that catch the eye of shoppers are our shoe displays. We stock a variety of shoe displays and shoe display accessories for all of your retail store fixture needs. Aside from your average shoe displays, we have shoe mirrors, shoe racks, benches & stools, shoe sizers, plexi-gridwall shoe shelves with sign holders, and more. We even have decorative shoe displays that can highlight featured new items or items on sale. 

When you’re looking for effective retail store fixtures, contact us at: (800)-325-1030