Every retail store has shelves and racks for their clothes. Folding clothes on a shelf hides the majority of the design and hanging clothes on a rack doesn’t show the depth of the clothes. This season, show off your gorgeous styles with a mannequin from Joslin Displays.
Mannequins can accomplish what shelves and racks can’t. They show off the way clothing designs are meant to look. Only a human, or a human-like figure, can show off the clothing correctly. Proper presentation allows your customers to see what the product looks like on a person and increases the likelihood of them purchasing the article of clothing. Bulky stacks of clothes on shelves are not as appealing and are less likely to be noticed by someone walking by.
Joslin’s offers a variety of mannequins, ranging in gender, age, color and style. Men and women can change in a dressing room to see what they will look like in certain clothes, but it’s hard to settle a child down long enough to put them through multiple wardrobe changes. Having a child-sized mannequin nearby eliminates the number of fussy children in your store. Each mannequin is offered in multiple poses and all are adjustable so they can meet your specific needs.
Having a mannequin to use for reference benefits customers who already know their size and simply want to see specific details of the clothing, like the neckline of a shirt or the length of a pair of shorts. Utilizing multiple mannequins dressed in a variety of fashions can make it easier for your customers to find what they need, meaning less hassle for you.
If you need a way to bring your clothes to life, consider using a life-sized mannequin from Joslin Displays. Call 1-800-325-1030 to place your order today.