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3 Tips to Attract More Customers with Retail Store Fixtures

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 12/1/2020 to Articles
3 Tips to Attract More Customers with Retail Store Fixtures

As a retail store, your ultimate goal is to attract the attention of customers. At Joslin’s Displays, we’ve helped store accomplish this task for over a century using the highest quality retail store fixtures. Store fixtures turn the blank into the dreamy and the boring into the exciting when used appropriately. Creative store displays attract and persuade customers to make the purchase, thus increasing your revenue. However, there is a lot of competition these days, so having the right store fixtures combined with a little know-how can mean all the difference in the world.

It’s a simple truth that people love to shop. For some, shopping is a relaxing activity and even a hobby! A recent study conducted by the Business Wire reports that 65 percent of Americans “love to shop” and refer to the pastime as “retail therapy.” Combine this stunning statistic with the high amount of other shoppers in the U.S., and you’ll see a huge market just waiting to be enticed by your intriguing merchandise display.

At Joslin Displays, we’d like to share these three tips to bear in mind when using store fixtures to display your merchandise.

  1. Don’t use old store fixtures to attract today’s shoppers

In the 1970s, retailers espoused the idea of “pile it high, sell it cheap.” Although this mentality worked then, today, shoppers and retailers are more sophisticated and informed. With this in mind, it’s crucial to use new and creative ways to attract customers with contemporary store fixtures.

  1. Use store fixtures that appeal to your audience

If your store caters to big and tall individuals, it’s not a good idea to stock your merchandise low to the ground or even at an average waist level. Assess the design of your showroom and cross-reference it with the needs of your customers. How are you currently using store fixtures that don’t meet the desires of your customers?

  1. Design your showroom to flow  

One of the most frustrating experiences as a shopper is fighting your way through a store. Instead of being excited, you become frustrated and most likely leave – without purchasing a single item. Design your showroom in a manner that encourages shoppers to make their way throughout the store easily. Keep in mind that the average person’s field of vision is about 170 degrees. Now, again, take a look at your showroom. Are you using store fixtures in a way that complicates or impedes the flow of shoppers?

For more information on the highest quality retail store fixtures, contact Joslin’s Displays today by calling (800) 325-1030