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3 Tips on Properly Displaying Mannequins In Retail

Posted by Joslin's Displays on 1/4/2021
3 Tips on Properly Displaying Mannequins In Retail

Mannequins and the world of retail go hand in hand. Without one, the other would lose value. So, when it comes to successful visual merchandising, knowing how to display your merchandise with mannequins is critical. Regardless of the type of store, visual merchandising is essential for improving the success of your store.

Here, we are providing you with three considerations when deciding on how to create your storefront display.


Creating an intriguing front display

One of the best ways to capture business you may not otherwise have had is through your window display. Your display is meant to grab attention and entice people to enter the store. Showcasing your brand and the trends you carry, your window display is a creative outlet.

Start by choosing a theme for the window, and stick with it. Often, it’s helpful to sketch what you would like your display to look like before you get to work. Be sure to consider your target audience, the latest trends, and the season.


Visual merchandising techniques

While visual merchandising is a broad term encompassing several aspects of retail, we’re focusing on the mannequin. First, consider your focal point. Whether you are using a mannequin head or a full body, placement is key. Be sure to have faces at eye-level with the customer to create a more human and relatable experience.


Remember the rule of three

While this rule doesn’t apply to all displays, for most, it’s the way to go. When displaying mannequins, remember 3. Three bodies, three chairs, three hats, and so on. The rule of three states that people are more visually engaged when they a group of three. The rule, when used in visual merchandising, help organize a store, enhance displays, and ultimately increase sales.


For the largest in-house selections of mannequins, be sure to check out Joslin’s Displays. Since 1893, our family has proudly helped retail businesses grow by providing outstanding customer service backed by reliable products. Our experienced staff and competitive prices are only a phone call away.


Contact Joslin’s today at (800) 325-1030 for more information on the various mannequins available.